Profilex Hexplosion 16 L Gauge

Profilex Hexplosion 16 L Gauge


Improve your game dramatically with the Hexplosion 16 L Gauge string. Available in a 600-foot reel, you’ll want to string all your rackets with this product. As a monofilament string, it has durability and power to get you through the game, but it also has a secret weapon.

The string has a hexagon shape, which can create more spin than ever to thwart your opponent. Strikes are precise and have amazing power. Even the spins are completely controlled, making your opponent work even harder for their points.

You’ll even have more comfort as you blast the ball down court. The strings and racket absorb much of the ball’s force, allowing you to swing steadily until the game is won. Shop Profilex 16 gauge co-polyester tennis strings for the top monofilament tennis string for spin on the market!

SKU: 001 Category:

Hexplosion 16 Gauge Pro Tennis String Reels

Improve your game dramatically with the Hexplosion 16 L Gauge string. Available in a 600-foot reel, you'll want to string all your rackets with this product. As a monofilament string, it has durability and power to get you through the game, but it also has a secret weapon.

The string has a hexagon shape, which can create more spin than ever to thwart your opponent. Strikes are precise and have amazing power. Even the spins are completely controlled, making your opponent work even harder for their points.

You'll even have more comfort as you blast the ball down court. The strings and racket absorb much of the ball's force, allowing you to swing steadily until the game is won. Shop Profilex 16 gauge co-polyester tennis strings for the top monofilament tennis string for spin on the market!